The final conference for preparation of the Program for development of the East planning region 2020-2024, on 03.12.2020

On 03.12.2020 was held the final conference for the preparation of the Program for development of the East planning region 2020-2024 which was held online on the virtual platform ZOOM starting at 11.00. The meeting was attended by 50 participants: Mayors - members of the Council for Development of the East Planning Region, employees of the Center for Development of the East Planning Region, representatives of the Ministry of Local Self-Government, Bureau for Regional Development and other ministries, donor community, stakeholders from East planning region (representatives of municipalities, public institutions, private and civil sector), etc.

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Signing of the contract and putting into operation, project "Upgrading and reconstruction of the Home for the Elderly - Berovo". theT͟Hē Translations of the ArticleFrequency ова the овие the оваа the овој the Definitions of the Article 1 denoting one or m

On October 5, 2020, the Center for Development of the East Planning Region signed the Contract for public procurement of works for: "Upgrading and reconstruction of the Home for the Elderly - Berovo" in accordance with the Agreement for realization of the investment project from the Project Grant Scheme " "Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development."

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The installation of "Agrometeorological stations for protection of agricultural crops and environment in EPR" has started

The first agrometeorological stations for protection of agricultural crops in the East Planning Region were set up in Kocani, Vinica and Zrnovci.

The total value of the project is 2,169.00.00 denars without VAT through the Program for Sustainable and Inclusive Balanced Regional Development, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Ministry of Local Self-Government.

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The agreement for realization of the project "Better infrastructure for better services - Creating a traffic solution for overcoming the traffic jam in the East Planning Region" was signed in Stip

The agreement for realization of the project "Better infrastructure for better services - Creating a traffic solution for overcoming the traffic jam in the East Planning Region" was signed in StipOn June 12, 2020, in the premises of the Municipality of Stip, an Agreement was signed between the Center for Development of the East Planning Region and Kole Trans from Stip for performance of the works for the project “Better infrastructure for better services - Creating a traffic solution for overcoming the traffic congestion in East planning region ”in Stip.

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Signing of a construction contract for the project "Cultural bridge through the centuries" for a public call "Conservation and restoration of the church" St. Vlasie "- Archaeological site Stip

\The conservation and restoration of the church "St. Vlacier ”is implemented by the Center for Development of the East Planning Region within the project“ Cultural Bridge through the Centuries ”, funded by the INTERERG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Bulgaria - Macedonia.

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The project "Construction of Ethno Park - Zrnovci phase 2" is completed

The Center for Development of the East Planning Region ended with the implementation of the activities for realization of the project "Construction of ethno park Zrnovci phase II" funded by the Program for balanced regional development for 2019.

The funds for the realization of this project are in the amount of about 3,600,000.00 denars and are provided by the Ministry of Local Self-Government - Bureau for Regional Development with additional co-financing from the Municipality of Zrnovci.


Public call for procurement of services "Preparation of materials for promotion of the East Planning Region as an eco tourism destination"



"Preparation of materials for promotion of the East Planning Region as an eco tourism destination"

Reference number 05-82 / 5/2020

The Center for Development of the East Planning Region (CDEPR) invites interested parties to submit their tenders in a sealed envelope in the manner described in the tender documentation, no later than 18.03.2020 by 15:00, addressed to CDEPR. The financial offer should be expressed in MKD (excluding VAT).

Interested companies may send a question solely in writing to the following email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 11.03.2020.

The program activity "Preparation of materials for promotion of the East Planning Region as an eco tourism destination" is implemented in the framework of the Nature Conservation Program in Northern Macedonia - Phase 2, project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The tender documentation for the public call can be downloaded at the following link.

Results of the successfully implemented project “Green Buildings for a Common Green Future - GREEN” CB006.1.11.038

In the period October 2016 - October 2018, the Center for Development of the East Planning Region implemented the project "Green Buildings for a Common Green Future - GREEN" CB006.1.11.038, funded by the First Interreg Call - IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Bulgaria - Macedonia 2014-2020.

The aim of the project was through joint efforts to contribute to raising public awareness in all spheres of the importance of climate change and improving the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. During the realization of the project through a series of different and attractive activities contributed to the acquisition of new knowledge for the successful utilization, conservation and management of natural resources and thus the improvement of the overall quality of life of the population in the cross-border region.

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