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На 05 ноември 2018 година во просториите на Центарот за развој на Источен плански регион се потпиша Меморандум за соработка со Центарот за истражување и информирање за животната средина „Еко-Свест“ од Скопје за проектот „Да зборуваме за климатските промени“.

On November 5, 2018, in the premises of the Center for Development of the East Planning Region, a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Center for Environmental Research and Information "Eko-Svest" from Skopje was signed for the project "Let's talk about climate change".

The project aims to strengthen the influence of local and national civic organizations by establishing a coalition on climate change at the national level, as well as raising awareness of the importance of climate change adaptation.

By signing this Memorandum of Cooperation, it will be possible to create conditions for promoting and wider acceptance of issues related to climate and climate change, as well as with the environment in general throughout the East Planning Region.