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On 25.02.2011, at the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the second meeting of the Steering Committee for the project "Strengthening of administrative capacities at the central and local level for the implementation and enforcement of legislation on waste management” was held.

Representatives of the consulting company RAMBOL presented a report on the activities in the period from 14.09.2010 to 25.01.2011, including draft versions of the following documents:

  • Draft template of the Regional Plan for Waste Management
  • Stakeholders analysis
  • Guide to the involvement of stakeholders
  • Information system for waste management scenario for architecture and SWOT analysis

These documents will take their final form after revision through several multi-focus workshops to guarantee successful implementation in the East and Northeast Planning Regions.

Одржан втор состанок на Надзорениот комитет за проектот „Зајакнување на административните  капацитети на централно и локално ниво за имплементација и спроведување на легислативата за управување со отпад“.